I love my red nails. But, I always find that when I remove any dark colors it always looks as though my finger tips had a terrible make-out session with the cotton pad! ;) If you suffer from the same problem...no worries! The solution is simple: Toothpaste.
What you'll need:
2 squeezes of toothpaste
1 nail brush/toothbrush
2 medium bowls of warm water
1 towel
*small slices/wedges of lemon is optional - you can find out why citrus is good for soaks here.
*coconut oil - you can find the benefits to coconut oil here.
Before you begin, soak your fingertips in warm water for about 1-2 minutes. Squeeze in some lemon juice for more benefits. Just as you would brush your teeth - squeeze the paste onto your brush and wet it! Scrub each nail and finger tip. Make sure to wet it as you go - you want to see the toothpaste lather up. When you're done scrubbing, let it sit for about 1-2 minutes before you wash it off. I like to finish up by rubbing a bit of coconut oil on my fingertips - it will help your nails grow stronger. You're nails should now be polished without the stains! *note: don't forget to let your nails breathe inbetween coats, your nails will thank you!
I hope this helped!
Artifact Girl xo